
Monday, October 31, 2011

Grim Reaper Cake

Kulay is a kid whose birthday falls on October 30. Thus, every year, he has a Halloween-themed party. The year before, it was Plants vs. Zombies, and last year, it was Frankenstein. This year, he wanted the Grim Reaper. Emily and I talked about using Grim from The Adventures of Billy and Mandy but ultimately Emily decided on a more traditional -- but still cartoony -- incarnation. Oh yeah, Kulay is one cool kid.

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Contemporary Brown Wedding Cake

Monday, October 24, 2011

Luggage Cakes

Emily's friends Carl and Yan got married last Saturday. For their wedding reception, they commissioned Emily to bake a cake to fit their theme, "Journey of a Lifetime." Emily put together this impressive looking luggage cake.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blanka's Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Cake

...and by Strawberry Shortcake, we mean the 1980's cartoon character, not the flavor of the cake. Emily was a big fan of Strawberry Shortcake from way back when, so this was a pleasure for her to do. Interestingly enough, it seems that Strawberry Shortcake has undergone a modern facelift and revival of sorts, so that she's now more hip and in tune with the kids of today. Visit her American Greeting Cards web site for a look.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Amanda's Kimmidoll-Inspired Birthday Cake

The serene yet cute Kimmidoll is all the rage among young girls nowadays, and so Amanda's mom and dad commissioned a Kimmidoll-inspired cake for her 6th birthday. Apart from the main cake, with a six-inch high topper, Emily also made smaller cupcakes of various colors. The cupcakes are perfect for giveaways to guests.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Isay's Tarepanda Cake

Emily got a a commission for this super-cute three-panda cake for a lass named Isay celebrating her 20th birthday. We did some research on these characters and found that they were called Tarepanda. What's a Tarepanda? From the Tarepanda website:
Tarepanda which means “lazy” panda or “droopy” panda in Japanese. More specifically “Tare” means lying on the tummy or can be described as slump down/slouch. These panda’s characters form by rolling around. How lazy? Just for your record TarePanda is so lazy and slow that moves about 2.75 meters per hour. (according to company literature) TarePanda loves to eat mochi (especially Suama, Japanese sweets).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More of Bianca's Bag Cake

We featured this very real-looking bag cake a couple of days ago. People were gushing over it so we thought we'd show a few more shots. Emily made this to look like a Balenciaga handbag, by the way. Bianca was understandably thrilled.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Richdale's Mad Scientist Cake

Richdale, turning eight, got this mad scientist-themed cake for his birthday.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Real Bag or Cake?

And the answer is: it's a cake! I saw this on Emily's cooling shelf when I arrived home last night, and I was totally blown away by how real it looked. There are all the tiny details that I've come to appreciate in Emily's work, but what really got me was the leather-like texture she captured so accurately. I hope Bianca can find the courage to take the knife to her birthday cake!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Chinese Birthday Cake

A Chinese-themed cake for a venerable senior citizen celebrating her 80th birthday. Emily didn't have a good camera with her when she delivered the cake, so she took a shot with her cellphone instead.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Atom's Backyardigans Birthday Cake

A Backyardigans birthday cake for a little kid named Atom. Backyardigans is one of Emily's favorite shows, and so this cake was a joy to make.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Racing Car Cupcakes

These mini racing cars are the cupcake companions to Darcy and Matt's racing car cakes we featured yesterday.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Darcy and Matt's Racing Car Cakes

Father-and-son Darcy and Matt have their birthdays on the same month so they got matching racing car cakes for their celebration. As far as Darcy knew, only Matt was supposed to get a cake, but his wife Joanna secretly asked Emily to do a cake for him as well. His eyes positively popped when he saw his cake!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Alex's Sweet Birthday Cake

Birthday girl Alex is celebrating her first, and her Mom commissioned Emily to do this sweet candy-themed cake to celebrate the occasion.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Architectural Cake

Officers of the new medical center in Tagum commissioned this cake replica of their building for the birthday of their boss. Emily worked from the artist's perspective to make this near-perfect copy.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Blast from the Past: Chanel Bag Cake

Another one from Emily's archives: a Chanel bag cake for a fashionista celebrating her birthday. Emily's bag cakes are quite popular among her customers and almost look like the real thing, so much so that they almost don't want to cut into it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blast from the Past: Care Bear Cake

Another of Emily's earlier creations: a Care Bear cake.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kendra Layla's Hello Kitty Birthday Cake

A Hello Kitty Cake, commissioned for Kendra Layla's first birthday bash.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Shoe Lover's Cake

Though this may look like a high-heeled shoe and its box, it's actually all cake. Yep. All edible. Made for a fashionista celebrating her debut.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Earlan and Jenny's Wedding Cake

Emily made this five-layer cake for Earlan and Jenny's Japanese-themed wedding. The second layer is the actual cake, consisting of customer-favorite carrot walnut. This is one of Emily's bigger commissioned wedding cakes lately: the base measures 80cm, and the height 180cm.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Love You Cupcakes

Commissioned by a couple celebrating their fourth anniversary.